Arxiu ecologista is an element of political agency. The historic activist Josep-Vicent Marqués was already clear about this in the late 1970s when he wrote his influential book Ecología y lucha de clases (1978). This exhibition builds on the insights of Marqués and the efforts of other ecological activists of the time, such as Alejandro de la Cueva and Ferran García, who initiated the Fons de Documentació del Medi Ambient de La Casa Verda in 1982, the most extensive environmental archive in the country, whose collections were deposited at the Universitat de València in 2010.
Using this documentary repertoire as a starting point, the exhibition presents a journey through the audiovisual and material memory of the ecological movement in the Valencian region, with a threefold objective:
To address the limited impact of ecologism.
To re-read the recent history of social mobilizations in our country.
To reflect on the proposals made in recent decades by institutions for reviewing archival technologies and the material and epistemological status of documents.
The visual communication, with a strong chromatic force, aims to transport the viewer to an archive, aided by a monospaced typeface and the perforations of archival materials. Simple elements that provide descriptive information about the content.
Year: 2024
Client: Universitat de València. Centre Cultural La Nau
Sector: Culture, heritage, exhibitions
Direction: democràcia®
Art Direction: Javier Tortosa
Creative Direction: Marta Tortosa
Design: Josep Lozano, Javier Tortosa
Categories: editorial, exhibition graphics, identity, visual communication, ecology, anti-nuclear, popular culture, counterculture, fanzine