"Offering to femininity" is an inclusive tribute to women in the Fallas festival. It goes from being a passive subject, the focus and object of all gazes, to being an active subject, the Fallas seen through her eyes.
Furthermore, femininity is one of the main protagonists of this celebration: the Falla, as a monument and central axis of the festivity, is a feminine name. The Fallas give way to spring, a season that metaphorically signifies the rebirth of nature, of Mother Earth, and the inherent fertility — the quintessence of femininity.
Our primary sources of inspiration have been the artwork of Josep Renau and Manuela Ballester, advocating for the recognition of this woman who, in their shadow, participated in many of the works attributed to the designer.
In this way, seeking a universal code and honoring our leitmotif of democratizing design to make it accessible to all of society, we have employed the communicative language of publishing. We are aware that everything appearing on the cover of a publication can capture people's attention and, if worthy, circulate worldwide.

Thus, for the graphic solution of this piece, we have crossed the boundary that separates physical dimensions from metareality, utilizing a formal code that has posed a significant challenge for our studio. The saturated colors bring us closer to the most special moment of the festival, where we burn our fears and usher in the spring.

We extend our gratitude to the City Council of València for this remarkable opportunity. A great responsibility that we have seized to stimulate reflection and contribute, through our work, to building a better, more egalitarian, just, and inclusive world for all individuals.

Year: 2023

Client: Ajuntament de València

Sector: Cultura Festiva / Fallas

Direction: democràcia®

Art direction: Javier Tortosa
Creative direction: Marta Tortosa

Design: Javier Tortosa, Pedro Riu, Josep Lozano

Skills: poster, campaña gráfica, 3D, CGI, editorial, TV, Video mapping, efectos visuales